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Descriptive Translation Studies - and Beyond book

Descriptive Translation Studies - and Beyond book

Descriptive Translation Studies - and Beyond by Gideon Toury

Descriptive Translation Studies - and Beyond

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Descriptive Translation Studies - and Beyond Gideon Toury ebook
Format: pdf
Page: 322
ISBN: 9027216061, 9789027216069
Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing Company

The target-side epistemologies of Descriptive Translation Studies). This was important move, since translated literature had up to that point mostly been dismissed as a derivative, second-rate form. Some of the principles underlying corpus linguistics are shared by descriptive translation studies, and this has been, as Laviosa (2004) points out, key to the success story of corpora in Translation Studies. How does disability theory intersect with technology, particularly in relation to race & resistance studies; “assistive” technologies; innovation, hacking & appropriation; and gender & queer studies? "Translation is the most obviously recognizable type of rewriting, and it is potentially the most influential because it is able to project the image of an author and/or those works beyond the boundaries of their culture of origin" (qtd. Video of Meryl Alper's Ignite Talk: Making Space in the . The project By means of a website including a blog and a translation issues database, PEnPal intends to promote collaborative translation[1], teaching and research (with particular emphasis on translation studies and training, comparative literature and contrastive linguistics). Translation Studies might nevertheless retain a set .. Descriptive translation studies (DTS) . Less immediate aims include the publication of the resulting anthologies and the dissemination of a corpus of literature that has not yet earned due attention in Portugal beyond academia. Introducing Translation Studies (2008)- Notes,半梦半醒ing的网易博客,Moments of Being & Dreaming,石南,沼地上轻舞,荒野中飞扬,Heather, dancer on the moorland. There is quite a lot happening with captioning (YouTube tools, Amara), and more on the horizon for audio description (Live Describe, Descriptive Video Exchange). Beyond descriptive translation studies (Anthony Pym, Miriam Shlesinger, Daniel Simeoni). As early as 1972, when James S. Communication patterns is the emergence of one-to-many document production processes, which are displacing the traditional source-target models still used in Translation Studies.