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Speech Communications: Human and Machine book

Speech Communications: Human and Machine book

Speech Communications: Human and Machine. Douglas O'Shaughnessy

Speech Communications: Human and Machine

ISBN: 0780334493,9780780334496 | 464 pages | 12 Mb

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Speech Communications: Human and Machine Douglas O'Shaughnessy
Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Press

Speech Communications: Human and Machine by Douglas O'Shaughnessy. AUTOMATIC SPEECH RECOGNITION (ASR). Her research has looked at the impact of the ageing voice on speech as a biometric. Authors: Neema Mishra, Urmila Shrawankar, V M Thakare. Title: Automatic Speech Recognition Using Template Model for Man-Machine Interface. Publisher: IEEE Computer Society Press (19991130). Philip Pilkington: Mistaking Men for Machines – How Neoclassical Economics Relies on Computer Science to Misunderstand Human Communication. The concept of a machine than can recognize the human voice has long been an accepted feature in Science Fiction. SPEECH COMMUNICATIONSIEEE Press445 Hoes Lane, Box 1331Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331IEEE Press Editorial BoardRobert 1. Book Summary of Speech Communications: Human and Machine. Arrays and speech/speaker recognition and focusing on recent advances in speech and signal processing techniques based upon multi-microphone systems, and on distant-talking speech communication and human/machine interaction. She is also interested in human-to-machine communication. Speech Communication: Human and Machine (Addison-Wesley Series in Electrical Engineering). Speech Communications: Human and Machine download. Speech Communications: Human and Machine (Hardcover) by Douglas O'shaughnessy. Abstract: Speech is a natural form of communication for human beings, and computers with the ability to understand speech and speak with a human voice are expected to contribute to the development of more natural man-machine interfaces.

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